Selves Portrait (2020)
Digital illustration
Fleeting Glimpses #2 (2017, installation view)
Unity and C#
Recurring Daydreams (excerpt) (2020)
Digital animation
Hey, I’m Kirk.
An emerging digital artist based in Canada, I produce drawings, animations, generative art and physical installations.
I’m fascinated by using technology to create autonomous, unpredictable self-running artworks that challenge the boundaries between creation, curation and participation.
I have a deep love of random chance, abstract art, Surrealism and humour.
Select Exhibitions
- Gorge on Art, Victoria, BC (2022)
- Dundas Night Lights, Toronto, Ontario (2021)
- Salon of Inclusiveness IV, Black Cat Artspace, Toronto, Ontario (2018)
- Cubed Luminous, Pensacola, Florida (2018)
- Art After Dark, Toronto, Ontario (2018)
- “Fleeting Glimpses” solo exhibition, Likely General, Toronto, Ontario (2017)
- Silicon Castles — AI experiments
- Medium — AI think pieces
- Design Unicorn — AI and design news
instagram: @kirkclyne
instagram: @squishypixels
xitter: @kirkclyne
linkedin: kirk-clyne